I’ve been working with Amy Jackson for over a year now, and I know I’ll never leave her! It’s so important to find an editor that knows you, understands the voices of your characters, and is able to offer suggestions to improve your work. Amy has been able to flawlessly, consistently, and professionally deliver a polished manuscript for every book I’ve published without compromising its integrity.
I’m so glad I’ve had her since I published my first book, I swear I didn’t know a verb from a noun, let alone where commas were really supposed to go. She literally color coded a visual map of errors on the first draft. But Amy - bless her heart - handled it delicately and never made me feel like I couldn’t achieve my dream.
Without Amy Jackson, I would’ve been the laughing stock of indie publishing. But with her, I’ve been able to successfully publish three books in a series and become a literary romance bestseller on Amazon.
Thank you, Amy!
-Amy Queau, author of The Progress Series
Claire C. Riley, paranormal and horror writer
Missy Johnson